active constraint

英 [ˈæktɪv kənˈstreɪnt] 美 [ˈæktɪv kənˈstreɪnt]




  1. For example, items that are not displayed or not active are excluded when the format constraint is off.
  2. In real-time active database systems ( RTADBSs), transactions not only have timing constraint, but also trigger other transactions.
  3. Active vibration control of a cantilevered pipe conveying fluid, with a spring support and nonlinear motion constraint, was investigated theoretically.
  4. However, when the game is repeated, reputation effect will play an active role and bring effective constraint on the moral hazard of enterprise in the alliance.
  5. The active contour model is a linear constraint, so the main computation involved in the deformation is a solution of a linear energy minimization problem.
  6. Convergence, Objective Vector and Active Constraint Set Monitoring during Optimization Execution, Multivariable Plotting Techniques: Radar Plots, Carpet Plots and Glyphs.
  7. A projected least-square algorithm that alternatively updates the active set of constraint and projects the unconstrained minimal point successively onto the boundary of the active constraints is presented.
  8. It is shown that this method for forecasting active constraint has improved the computation efficiency considerably.
  9. The active constraint set was introduced in the nonlinear constraints of the optimization, meanwhile the project gradient method was used to treat the linear boundary constraints.
  10. The new algorithm avoids entirely the identification of active constraint sets in traditional OPF algorithms and possesses the advantages of high efficiency, good convergence, strong robustness and simple implementation.
  11. A method of forecasting active constraint with the applications to structural optimization
  12. Mobile Robot Hierarchical Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Based on Active Loop Closure Constraint
  13. A new approach to forecasting active constraint in an optimization problem is proposed in this paper.
  14. As long as the number of the active chains chosen is the same to that of DOFs and the corresponding constraint chains are chosen reasonably, some new types of PRM can be assembled.
  15. The concept of active data and the way to enforce the constraints of data by constraint mechanism in the active database system are presented. The constraints are static constraint expanded constraint and trigger, and the range that each constraint is applied to.
  16. The numeric result shows that this encoding method can generate good individuals suitable for the requirement of active vibration control, and the amending algorithm for the constraint problem is simple and effective.
  17. Optimization of control laws for active flutter suppression with gust response constraint
  18. To active evacuation problem, our research mainly focuses how to evacuate the residents in the affected area to safe area as soon as possible. At the same time, different from passive evacuation problem, traffic capacity is considered as a constraint in our model.
  19. Whatever type of institutional investors, when the shareholding is low, the institutional investors will not constraint earnings management; Only when monitoring costs are lower, the shareholding is higher, the active institutional investors will constraint earnings management.